10 problems you can solve with your everyday life

  1. For building lego projects, don’t overthink your builds, take it nice and slow and when you feel like building, do but if you don’t take your time.
  1. If you ever feel stressed out or overworked, relax, break it into sections or if you hate what it is and think it’s beyond your ability, move on and work on something else, like my Minecraft Boss Battle.
  1. If your family has issues with fighting, take a poll to see what makes each member happy, angry, sad, and annoyed, and where they want to go sometime and come up with a detox on that poll.
  1. If something is hard, figure out how it could be easier and maybe invite someone else to help you to make it fun.
  1. If you ever feel like you don’t have enough resources to complete a project, set it aside, and work on getting those resources to complete it.
  1. If you don’t understand something, and asking for help never seems to work, it may be beyond your ability and you have to find a longer way to do it, it may take more time but you’ll still get it done.
  1. Always carry water with you, it’s proven that water helps you think and be more willing to do things, so if you feel down, or tired, drink some water to lift your spirits.
  1. I can’t stress this enough, do what makes you happy, if you do that, you’ll be able to do it in one go without procrastination, and you will enjoy the process and be able to get it done with joy and cooperation. 
  1. Find a way of doing things you don’t enjoy with things that you do enjoy, and merge them together to learn better.
  1. All humans need at least 8 hours of sleep, and 1 hour to wake up, if you don’t do that, you’re most likely not going to have a good attitude that day, so set aside some time in the morning to do some R&R things that you enjoy to make your best self every morning.

What are the 10 things you’d like to accomplish in life?

The first thing I’ve always wanted to accomplish is to save a animal species.

The second thing is I’ve always wanted to help people in need.

The third thing is that I’ve always wanted to meet a Youtuber.

The fourth thing is that I wanted to be a Youtuber.

The fifth thing is, I wanted to get a girlfriend.

The sixth thing is to be successful.

The seventh thing is to invent something.

The eighth thing is to solve world hunger.

The ninth thing is to be the greatest person in history.

And the final thing is to die a peaceful death.

4 True Sentences That Are About Me

I never really liked talking to people, or talking in general, I’m always just bored and have nothing else to do.

I have a massive lego collection, and yet i can’t use half of it because its not the right color.

I’ve always loved Snow Leopards, butane always liked Giant Manta Rays almost just as much.

One of the only ways for me to remember things, is that i have to know that this thing is important.

How To Make A Dirtbike Bike Trail By: Greyson Urban

If you were ever wondering how to make a trail from a bmx trail or dirtbike trail, this would be the guide for you. Usually when you start a trail you want to find a nice hill filled location to start. Usually bike trials have challenges to overcome, ranging from jumps, to sharp turns. Work on removing shrubs and flattening hills and making the jumps to your liking. Add challenges to your course, make it hard for others and you. If you have the time, make it wider, faster, more dangerous and have fun with it. Once you have a long enough trail, test it, if you like it great! Invite some friends to test it with you and enjoy your new trail.